The telephone number is 0125451417
e mail for Fr Shaun
postal address St Peter’s Presbytery, Jessel Street Mill Hill Blackburn BB2 2RQ
The telephone number is 0125451417
e mail for Fr Shaun
postal address St Peter’s Presbytery, Jessel Street Mill Hill Blackburn BB2 2RQ
Our mass times are shown on the right; any changes will appear in the weekly newsletter.
Sunday 9am
Monday 10am
Tuesday 10am
Friday 10am – Mass in St Peter’s School during term time; in church when the school is unavailable.
Saturday Vigil MassĀ 6pm
Sunday 10.30am
Wednesday 10am in St Paul’s School during term time; at The Priory when the school is unavailable.
St John Vianney church is currently closed until further notice.